Which category of questions should be included

All Returns all questions irrespective of previous results
Not answered before Returns only questions for which you have not yet provided an answer (irrespective of whether the answer was correct)

This includes questions which were included in a test that you took, but did not provide an answer for or skipped

Not viewed explanation before Returns only questions which have not been viewed on the results page of a test or on the flagged questions page
Sometimes answered incorrectly Returns only questions for which you provided an answer but you have answered incorrectly at least once (irrespective of whether you have ever answered the question correctly)
Never answered correctly Returns only questions for which you have provided an answer but you have never provided a correct answer


questions for which you have not yet provided an answer.

This includes questions which were included in a test that you took, but did not provide an answer for or skipped

Always answered incorrectly Returns only questions for which you have provided an answer but you have never provided a correct answer
Flagged Only include questions added to your Flagged Questions page